Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Decorating the Apartment: My Bedroom

This January I moved into my first apartment! It was a bit of a pain but it was worth it in the end. My roommate and I still aren't quite done decorating yet, but I thought I'd share what I've done with my room. I accumulated quite a bit of stuff from my study abroad experience, so I was very excited to put it all up!

The first thing you'll see when you enter my room is my bed! I know the Feng Shui is off but it's the only place in the room my bed will fit well. While I was abroad, I collected postcards from everywhere I visited. I have some from Berlin, Dublin, Edinburgh, Barcelona, Interlaken, and (of course) Paris.

My favorite beaver slippers!

I tend to keep a lot of things on my bedside table so It can be a bit messy but I kinda like it that way.

The two pictures on the side I bought in Paris and the one in the middle I got in Marseilles. I was in a beautiful town called Cassis and fell in love with this painting at first sight. It's of a mountain in the Alps!

I painted this bureau before I moved in. Originally it was a very bright (and in my opinion) ugly green color. Purple is way more my style! I love these lights, but unfortunately I bought them in Paris and have yet to buy a converter so I can't plug them in. I'll try to take a picture with them on once I get a converter.

Upon leaving my room, you will see a Paris metro map on the back of my door!

Hope you guys are having a great hump day!

Bisous mes cheris***

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